Team A

David Smith

James Doe

Cassie Belmin

Iris Dragon

David Smith

Cassie Bellman

James Doe

Iris Dragon

David Smith grew up in the wilds of Alaska on a fishing boat. He loves spending his spare time fishing, whether it is on a winding stream in Montana or deep sea fishing off the coast of Florida."

Cassie Bellman is passionate about her work with children. She spends her spare time volunteering at Children's Hospital in the cancer ward. Her enthusiasm and joy bring smiles to the children and their families during times of deep stress.

James Doe is an avid climber whose life ambition is to climb ever fourteener in wold. At this time he has climbed 15 of the world's 35 mountains and is scheduled to climb Kilamenjarou February 2020.

Iris Dragon is not only a fan of listening to music, she makes it too with her band The Wiggles. Her nights and weekends are spenting jamming away on the drums bringing music to kids everywhere.